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Do you work your way up through bribery?

Every ifilm series has a message behind and in the upcoming episode of 'The Final Game', the importance of hard work is highlighted.

Every ifilm series has a message behind and in the upcoming episode of the current show 'The Final Game', a message regarding the importance of hard work is highlighted.    

Humor plays an important role in conveying the subtle messages and in the next part of comedy series 'The Final Game', a conversation between a sister and her brother revolves around the critical issue of bribery and pulling some strings to gain unfair advantages at work.     

While the brother is so happy about his good performance in a football match, his sister reminds him of some dishonest ways he has used to win in the game.

“Congratulations to you, my dear brother. I hope that day by day through the use of bribes and pulling strings, you keep climbing the ladder of success," the young lady in the scene attached to this feature says sarcastically.

Have you ever been discriminated at work due to favoritism? If so, you can share your stories in the comments section.  

You can watch the next episode of 'The Final Game' on Tuesday, August 18, at 19:00 GMT. Or better yet, catch the part via ifilm website by clicking here.  

